Linux & Unix General Help
- get_iplayer for Raspbian Stretch (9 Replies)
- AtomicParsley hangs in Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu) (2 Replies)
- Installing Using get-player PPA (1 Reply)
- How do I install get_iplayer ver 3.01? (3 Replies)
- How do I build/refresh/filter programme index? (2 Replies)
- How do I remove v2.94 and where do I find v3.01 to install? (9 Replies)
- Manual install of 3.00 hides PPA install of 3.01 (2 Replies)
- streaming failure (2 Replies)
- Complete breakdown (5 Replies)
- RHEL 6 XML::LibXML is too old for 3.00 (8 Replies)
- LibXML error on Raspberry Pi (2 Replies)
- Not able to download all programs (2 Replies)
- GIP 3.00 breaks symbolic links (3 Replies)
- Newly installed 2.99 not listing only 1 TV programme (4 Replies)
- 3.00 now working on CENTOS 7 and various other Distros (1 Reply)
- web_pvr: paging of search list failing (Possibly not just Linux) (2 Replies)
- How to change cache expiry period? (4 Replies)
- Raspbian: precompiled ffmpeg available (10 Replies)
- Raspbian: updated repository now includes ffmpeg (0 Replies)
- Get_iplayer downloading the same shows over and over (2 Replies)
- Cannot get WebPVR running on XUbuntu 14.04.5 LTS Trusty (6 Replies)
- Will GIP work on an Android phone? (2 Replies)
- search queries (1 Reply)
- Raspbian - expired repository signing key for (0 Replies)
- new guy looking for help (1 Reply)