Linux & Unix Troubleshooting
- Using get-iplayer snap version w/output directory on removable media (e.g. usb stick) (1 Reply)
- Re: Failed to download programme schedule on ZorinOS (10 Replies)
- Failed to download programme schedule on ZorinOS (3 Replies)
- Per documentation, use --cache-rebuild to restore TV cache (0 Replies)
- SSL connect attempt failed because of handshake problems (0 Replies)
- episode metadata fields are not populated for films (7 Replies)
- cannot download - Skipping 'other' version (0 Replies)
- Can download video, but not subtitles (0 Replies)
- pvr search for "category = Quiz" returns no results (4 Replies)
- Cannot seem to set outputradio pref with snap version of get_iplayer (7 Replies)
- Late Junction episodes of same duration are with 10KB of each other in file size (0 Replies)
- listen and ports options not working in 3.22 (3 Replies)
- Raspbian - segfault and invalid subsection length error with both apt and get_iplayer (1 Reply)
- Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at line 5237 (2 Replies)
- DNS blocked (4 Replies)
- Programme index no longer updating (1 Reply)
- Problem using --profile-dir while working in home directory (3 Replies)
- Warning that BBC iPlayer feeds are no longer available in broken obsolete get_iplayer (6 Replies)
- Proms 192x108 thumbnail download hangs with Ubuntu 16.04/libwww-perl 6.15 (9 Replies)
- Refresh throws "Mojo::Reactor::EV: Read failed" error (3 Replies)
- sh: 0: getcwd() failed: Input/output error on recording (2 Replies)
- How do I remove v3.00 manual install after upgrading from PPA on Linux Mint? (2 Replies)
- How do I install modern version of ffmpeg (hint: read install docs) (2 Replies)
- Help with installing get_iplayer in Ubuntu using PPA (1 Reply)
- hash sum mismatch RPi 3.13 (2 Replies)