Someone decided they wanted to lock my thread and ban me because I don't know how to use a non-Windows Operating System. Why do that? Tell me precisely what you think I did to deserve that; what rule or rules you think I broke to have that happen. I am trying to find help here. I said I am new to ZorinOS, and I am seeking help with things.
Apparently, the version of get_iplayer I have is old. How can I update it? I have tried
get_iplayer --update, but it tells me
ERROR: get_iplayer was installed using the 'apt' package manager. Please refer to the package manager documentation.
so I tried
apt get_iplayer --update but that told me
E: Command line option --update is not understood in combination with the other options
so I am at a loss. How can I get this problem fixed?
Unusually for Linux, the correct procedure is to download from the web-site.
Version should be 3.25.
I recommend the manual procedure, which doesn't involve any compilations.
The instructions are excellent.
You probably didn't read the FAQ.
Banning seems a bit excessive.
(12-02-2020, 11:32 PM)Unusually for Linux, the correct procedure is to download from the web-site.
Version should be 3.25.
I recommend the manual procedure, which doesn't involve any compilations.
The instructions are excellent.
Thank you. I presume that is on github or here on squarepenguin.
(12-02-2020, 11:32 PM)You probably didn't read the FAQ.
Banning seems a bit excessive.
As I said, I checked online and found this forum, which is about get_iplayer. With the layout of the forum, seeing the recent threads, I thought others were in this subforum. The mods/admins are drunk on power and need to get a life. The point of having forums is to help people, not to be a dic-ensian dic-tator.
Thank you only; not anyone else (so far).
Note that it uses sudo apt install some-package for standard packages that you probably(?) already have.
It does no harm to do this for well-known programs such as ffmpeg etc
But do use
wget to download the get_iplayer source file.
Try to restrain yourself!
The team who maintain get_iplayer have to make continual changes - mostly minor to keep up with continual tinkering by the BBC.
BTW I would uninstall that old version first, that you installed via the repositories.
(12-02-2020, 11:45 PM)use wget to download the get_iplayer source file.
OK, I used
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-hedgerows/get-iplayer
sudo apt-get update
which is from the site, before I read what you typed here. Sorry for this. It is complicated. Sometimes you use this, sometimes you use that, sometimes you have to use
sudo, sometimes you don't...but no-one explains
clearly why.
How can I uninstall that what I just did, and instead what should I type with
wget instead? Is it the following?
wget add-apt-repository ppa:jon-hedgerows/get-iplayer
wget apt-get update
Thank you again!
(12-02-2020, 11:54 PM)Try to restrain yourself!
The team who maintain get_iplayer have to make continual changes - mostly minor to keep up with continual tinkering by the BBC.
I am not a slave to those here. I just tried getting some help, and I was shot for it. I think I have been quite fair, and my response has been just. There wasn't any indication in the "Warning Level" thing on the left here, either... I am, however, willing to not take it any further.
Quote:BTW I would uninstall that old version first, that you installed via the repositories.
I know I am being like a complete n00b, and I am one, so I apologise for that. I hate to say this - and I really do hate to say it - but Windows is much simpler. Go to a site, download a programme (though now with 32-bit and 64-bit, they are trying to make it more complicated!), and install it...then use it.
(12-02-2020, 11:54 PM)Try to restrain yourself!
The team who maintain get_iplayer have to make continual changes - mostly minor to keep up with continual tinkering by the BBC.
I am not a slave to those here. I just tried getting some help, and I was shot for it. I think I have been quite fair, and my response has been just. There also was not any usage of the so-called "Warning Level" thing on the left here, either... I am, however, willing to not take it any further.
Quote:BTW I would uninstall that old version first, that you installed via the repositories.
I know I am being like a complete n00b, and I am one, so I apologise for that. I hate to say this - and I really do hate to say it - but Windows is much simpler. You just go to a site, download a programme (though now with 32-bit and 64-bit, they are trying to make it more complicated!), and install it...then use it.
Sudo gives you temporary system (root) access.
Normally programs are installed to root - so apt is always run with sudo.
If you are installing programs to your home directory then you wouldn't use sudo.
I am unsure how you should uninstall your old get_iplayer since its from an old branch of get_iplayer.
I'd suggest you try:-
sudo apt purge get_iplayer
But pay close attention to any programs that this may ask you to uninstall. If in doubt cancel the removal and proceed.
The wget I was referring to can be found on the install instructions.
I won't comment on the long-running Linux versus Windows controversy. ;)