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pvr search for "category = Quiz" returns no results


I have/had several pvr's setup and noticed that nothing was downloading.
So did some manual checking, moved pvr folder and created a new search.

$get_iplayer --pvr-add=quiz "category = Quiz"
get_iplayer 3.22-ppa33a, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO: Saving PVR search 'quiz':
search0 category = Quiz

$ get_iplayer --pvr
get_iplayer 3.22-ppa33a, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

Running PVR Searches:

INFO: PVR Run: 'quiz'

manually running a search for quiz

$ get_iplayer category = Quiz
get_iplayer 3.22-ppa33a, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

41784: Quiz Nite! - 1. Pub Quiz, BBC Radio 4, m0008bk4
41785: Quiz Nite! - 2. PTA, BBC Radio 4, m0008jph
41786: Quiz Nite! - 3. University Challenged, BBC Radio 4, m0008r5d
45400: The Food Quiz: Series 1 - Episode 1, BBC Radio 4 Extra, b0076gyp
45401: The Food Quiz: Series 1 - Episode 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra, b0728z3b
45753: The News Quiz Extra: Series 27 - Episode 2, BBC Radio 4 Extra, m000882v
45754: The News Quiz Extra: Series 27 - Episode 3, BBC Radio 4 Extra, m0008hjl
45755: The News Quiz Extra: Series 27 - Episode 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra, m0008q22
45756: The News Quiz Extra: Series 27 - Episode 5, BBC Radio 4 Extra, m0008xqm
45757: The News Quiz: Series 100 - Episode 2, BBC Radio 4, m000846x
45758: The News Quiz: Series 100 - Episode 3, BBC Radio 4, m0008bl4
45759: The News Quiz: Series 100 - Episode 4, BBC Radio 4, m0008jqq
45760: The News Quiz: Series 100 - Episode 5, BBC Radio 4, m0008r6c
INFO: 13 matching programmes

I can manually download them using get-iplayer -g nnn

my options list

output /home/haiybiker/nzb/radio/Cinanamon
nopurge 1
excludechannel BBC Radio 5 live
type radio

Running under Mint 19.2 64bit Cinnamon.


Three problems: First, as you can see from your saved search, you are setting up a pvr search for the string "category = Quiz", which get_iplayer is doing faithfully, but of course no results are returned - that will never appear in a programme name. Second, your manual search is not the same since that is searching for any of the three strings "category", "=", or "Quiz". Third, this implies you think get_iplayer can somehow search by category, but it hasn't been able to do that for years.


(03-10-2019, 10:30 AM)Three problems: First, as you can see from your saved search, you are setting up a pvr search for the string "category = Quiz", which get_iplayer is doing faithfully, but of course no results are returned - that will never appear in a programme name. Second, your manual search is not the same since that is searching for any of the three strings "category", "=", or "Quiz". Third, this implies you think get_iplayer can somehow search by category, but it hasn't been able to do that for years.

To reverse answer your comments.
As I said at the top I have been using this for a long time. I was unaware that the search by category had been removed, since get-iplayer is automatically updated, and I don't see change logs.

As to Quiz never appearing in a name, "The Food Quiz", "The News Quiz" both have it in their names.

The manual search was for the exact same string I entered into the pvr search. I know since I cut & pasted it.

OK so figured out how to convert my category searches to name searches.


(03-10-2019, 12:07 PM)As to Quiz never appearing in a name, "The Food Quiz", "The News Quiz" both have it in their names.
That's not what I said.
(03-10-2019, 12:07 PM)The manual search was for the exact same string I entered into the pvr search. I know since I cut & pasted it.
They are not the same. "category = Quiz" is distinctly different from category = Quiz on the command line
(03-10-2019, 12:07 PM)So how do I now setup a new pvr that will do the same as it used to?
The pvr search you are attempting would never have produced results in any version of get_iplayer, and I've already said that you cannot search by category, so you'll have to explain what "as it used to" means.


Quote:get-iplayer is automatically updated, and I don't see change logs
to be fair, the change logs are there, you just don't read them.  like probably 100% of us. dp publishes release notes for every release, here:

just to clarify:
$ get_iplayer --pvr-add=quiz "category = Quiz"
saves a search that is equivalent to
$ get_iplayer "category = Quiz"
which searches for the exact string "category = Quiz" in the name.

$ get_iplayer category = Quiz
does something very different - it searches for programmes with either "category" or "=" or "Quiz" in the name.

which is why one finds programmes and one doesn't.

you asked
Quote:So how do I now setup a new pvr that will do the same as it used to?

the nearest you can get is
$ get_iplayer quiz
which will find any programme with "quiz" in the name.  This isn't a category search because (as dp notes) get_iplayer can't do this any more (the BBC took the data away).

and to save this as a pvr search:
$ get_iplayer --pvr-add=quiz quiz


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