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get_iplayer forums

Forum archived. Posting disabled.

'mplayer' is not recognized


When I try to run the command
get_iplayer --stream --type=livetv "BBC One" --player="mplayer -cache 512 -"
I get the following in command prompt,
'mplayer' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
and then this exit code,
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)

INFO: Streaming failed with exit code 1
DEBUG: Record using flashvhigh1 mode return code: 'abort'
ERROR: aborting get_iplayer

Any help would be appreciated.


You haven't configured your system to find mplayer. Program locations must be in the PATH environment variable in order to be executed by name only (google for info on how to amend PATH). Alternatively, you can specify the full path to mplayer. If you're at the get_iplayer command prompt, you can use the relative path:


Otherwise, full path is required:

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\MPlayer\mplayer-svn-36348\mplayer.exe

C:\Program Files (x86)
on 64-bit systems.

The above applies to the latest version of get_iplayer for Windows.


What should I append to the PATH environment variable? The get_iplayer folder in Program Files? That is where both the mplayer and vlc binaries sit.


Append whatever folder holds the mplayer.exe binary. If you used the get_iplayer installer, then I've already given you the answer. I've edited my previous response to add the .exe extension to make it clear.

These forums are archived

See this post for further info