01-01-2017, 12:17 AM
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01-01-2017, 01:13 AM
Happy New Year!
08-01-2017, 10:17 PM
(25-05-2016, 08:50 AM)I'm an ex-pat living in Germany and have used get-iplayer for years, profiting greatly from the possibility of downloading radio programmes to listen to offline.
To be honest, it has always bothered me to know that other people finance the service that I profit from. I pay for Netflix and Deezer and would be more than glad to pay for BBC iPlayer. I just hope that, if and when iPlayer becomes account protected, they will also provide a way for non-UK residents to subscribe as well. Surely that would make economic sense, bringing in new revenue instead of just trying to save money.
Thanks by the way to all those who contribute to get-iplayer and this pretty comprehensive website.
I emailed the BBC board a year ago and asked about letting non-UK residents purchase licenses for iPlayer access. The reply was a pretty tame, by-the-rules "no thank you". No reasons, just no.
I suspect that around the world but especially in the USA, Beeb has public TV network agreements whereby BBC content is paid for by PBS and others(?). Beeb dearly don't want to lose their "cousins' " income. But I think with a little research projection and a simple spread sheet calculation anyone who wanted to could see that those numbers, whatever they might be, could easily outpace the public TV revenues.
Email them and express your desires. Who knows, there might be an enterprising young management person who might take this as their personal crusade and spin the numbers:
09-01-2017, 11:26 AM
I did just that last October. Here's the reply:
"Thanks for contacting us about accessing BBC iPlayer abroad.
At the moment because of rights agreements you can only download or stream BBC iPlayer TV programmes while you're inside the UK. However, letting licence fee payers use the service outside of the UK is an area we're already looking at and working on. We’ve recently released an International radio app but currently there are no plans for a TV equivalent. If this changes we'll announce it on our help site:
The BBC iPlayer is presently available in the UK only, due to licensing and rights agreements, and as the TV Licence is paid by the UK public to fund the BBC services.
To watch BBC TV programmes in your locale in the meantime, I'd suggest contacting BBC Worldwide for information on providers or on-demand services who may carry BBC content:
However, we will pass your feedback for an international iPlayer subscription service onto the iPlayer developers and management on our overnight report which helps shape decisions about the service and its availability and content.
Thanks again,
BBC iPlayer Support Team"
I use the International Radio app, which is excellent and can be recommended. As to TV, well mrg9999 said it all.
"Thanks for contacting us about accessing BBC iPlayer abroad.
At the moment because of rights agreements you can only download or stream BBC iPlayer TV programmes while you're inside the UK. However, letting licence fee payers use the service outside of the UK is an area we're already looking at and working on. We’ve recently released an International radio app but currently there are no plans for a TV equivalent. If this changes we'll announce it on our help site:
The BBC iPlayer is presently available in the UK only, due to licensing and rights agreements, and as the TV Licence is paid by the UK public to fund the BBC services.
To watch BBC TV programmes in your locale in the meantime, I'd suggest contacting BBC Worldwide for information on providers or on-demand services who may carry BBC content:
However, we will pass your feedback for an international iPlayer subscription service onto the iPlayer developers and management on our overnight report which helps shape decisions about the service and its availability and content.
Thanks again,
BBC iPlayer Support Team"
I use the International Radio app, which is excellent and can be recommended. As to TV, well mrg9999 said it all.
09-01-2017, 08:04 PM
(09-01-2017, 11:26 AM)I did just that last October. Here's the reply:What email address or web page did you use for that communication? Everyone here should contact them and also spread the contact information far and wide.
10-01-2017, 11:18 AM
I seem to remember it taking a while to find somewhere to send a question to, but if I recall correctly I sent a message via the iPlayer website:
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