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get_iplayer forums

Forum archived. Posting disabled.

Chrome problem, ok in IE11


I have always used IE with get_iplayer in the past and it was fine. This is the first time I have tried it with Chrome.

Installed 2.94 with Chrome as default browser, would not find programmes using the search box (name or pid)
Switched to IE11 as default and it found pid straight away.

Is there a known problem with Chrome or compatibility issue with get_iplayer?

System is running Windows 7


Make sure you have the same "Search in" and "Programme type" settings in both browsers.

And don't make our job more difficult by submitting posts that fail to identify the programme(s) you
are attempting to search for or download.


search in and programme type were the same.

It wouldn't find anything I tried but you could use pid b008039f for testing.

and I didn't intend to make your job more difficult its the first time I have used this forum. I'll do my best to be perfect in future.


Perfection isn't required, only common sense. It stands to reason that if you need help finding a programme, you need to say which programme you're looking for.  Otherwise, nobody else can test like for like.

In this case, programme b008039f was broadcast more than 7 days ago and thus is not available in the programme cache and thus is not found in search results.  Read the FAQ:

To download the programme, either use --pid b008039f with the get_iplayer CLI or else in web pvr paste its programme page URL in the Quick URL field and click Record.


thanks for the replies.

These forums are archived

See this post for further info