apple streaming media uses both port 80 and port 1935. why is get_iplayer limited to port 1935? was it set by the BBC or a limitation with get_iplayer?
Just curious
If you're asking why get_iplayer uses port 1935 to access BBC RTMP streams, I don't know if there is a specific reason. 1935 is a well-known port specific to Flash media services, so I suspect that is why it was chosen as the default. Perhaps services weren't available on port 80 at the time.
EDIT: I should also point out that get_iplayer isn't limited to port 1935. Use --rtmpport
EDIT: Removed previous post - OP probably wasn't referring to web pvr manager.
Thanks for the reply. that makes more sense. I didn't know we could change the port in via scripting.
So the BBC has limited iplayer to port 1935? I thought flash media operated on ports 1935, 443 or 80?
As I said, use --rtmpport to access the alternate ports.