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Akamai server seems to be down!


Been having a few problems downloading this morning. I think the akamai RTMP server is down/struggling.

Other content on the BBC sites like which uses the akamai RTMP streams just comes back when you try to play it as "this content doesn't seem to be working".

I'm guessing/hoping that this is a fault rather than part of the RTMP closedown.

It tries to stream in get_iplayer and gets through 4 seconds or something and then times out and crashes.


No Akamai problems here.  Even if there is a temporary glitch at your location, just use --exclude-supplier=akamai to force use of the alternate CDN (no alternate is available for flashhd mode, though). If the alternate doesn't work any better, then you have network problems.  And RTMP hasn't gone anywhere yet.  Don't draw any conclusions from old content such as ancient F1 highlights. The BBC have broken archives before.  Be advised that support for all such embedded content will be deprecated in get_iplayer 2.95 and removed in 2.96, so if they really have broken some more archives, there won't be a fix.


Thanks user-2.

Limelight still seemed to be working ok so I don't think it was my connection.

Akamai magically now seem to be working again. No idea what happened there.

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