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get_iplayer forums

Forum archived. Posting disabled.

"No specified modes", "Required rtmpdump does not exist"


I tried downloading a radio program but got the following error:

INFO: Checking existence of default versions
INFO: No specified modes () available for this program with version 'default'
INFO: Try using --modes=flashaaclow,flashaacstd,hlsaaclow,hlaacstd
INFO: Checking existence of original version
INFO: No specified modes () available for this program with version 'original'

INFO: Try using --modes=flashaaclow,flashaacstd,hlsaaclow,hlaacstd
ERROR: Failed to record

I tried downloading again using modes flashaaclow, flashaacstd, hlsaaclow and hlaacstd, but that led to the error:

WARNING: Required rtmpdump does not exist - cannot download Flash audio/video


Re-run the installer and be sure to select rtmpdump and ffmpeg components for installation.


That worked perfectly, thank you.

These forums are archived

See this post for further info