hello there thanks for putting me on this great site. just need some help can anyone help me get hold of this show because im having a issue with downloading this show
http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/fabioandgroo...l?20021207 this is the url but i have tried to download get iplayer and it says recording complete but it gives me a m3u file and didnt quite play that show i think it was an up to date version of some show but i really need to know if its easy to grab because i have tried just about everything and im in despair please help any support would be great thank so much
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do here.
The page you linked to is a tracklist for a show from 13 years ago. There isn't any actual media to download, it's just a track listing page.
(12-07-2015, 06:16 PM)I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do here.
The page you linked to is a tracklist for a show from 13 years ago. There isn't any actual media to download, it's just a track listing page.
so theres no way you could get any media from it i know its a newbie question but can you only get media from recent shows is there any way around my friend thanks
To be downloadable, a programme needs to be currently available on iPlayer to listen to or watch. If it's not available then there is no way to get it.
(12-07-2015, 07:18 PM)To be downloadable, a programme needs to be currently available on iPlayer to listen to or watch. If it's not available then there is no way to get it.
cheers for the reply and thanks for your time and help