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obsolete ffmpeg support broken in last two versions


This isn't so much as a feature request as it is bringing it to folks' attention cum bug report. I don't know if it makes sense to fix the problem at this point.

The --ffmpegobsolete flag is processed, but line 10496 of the current code should read:
"if ( (! $opt->{ffmpegobsolete}) && (! grep( /-loglevel/i, @{$binopts->{ffmpeg}} )) ) {"
rather than the current:
"if ( ! grep( /-loglevel/i, @{$binopts->{ffmpeg}} ) ) {"
As is, it will push a loglevel parameter onto the command stack and old versions of ffmpeg will fail.

FYI, I *have* managed to solve one problem with the new streams that even avconv has. You sometimes will get a bunch of errors about "Bad PID", which causes avconv to hang for minutes, then run, then hang, sometimes forever. It does not error out so that you know there's a problem if you're not watching it. You can easily think you're recording a live stream and end up with nothing. Sometimes it corrupts the received data too.

The fix is to specify "-acodec aac_fixed". I think. The error never happened and then it did all the sudden, no software updates, so it might be intermittent. I still see the message about bad PIDs sometimes, but it doesn't affect the recording now.

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