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get_iplayer forums

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Commands in shell script failed because of comment syntax errors


Haven't used Get_iplayer for a while and after updating I had some problems with


so after perusing the latest wiki I changed the lines to :

get_iplayer --PID b09vpgr7 --modes=tvhd,tvsd,tvhigh,tvlow --output /home/pi/mounts/jaws/D --fileprefix="<nameshort><.senum><.episodeshort>" --force#6
get_iplayer --PID b09w3m05 --modes=tvhd,tvsd,tvhigh,tvlow --output /home/pi/mounts/jaws/D --fileprefix="<nameshort><.senum><.episodeshort>" --force#6
get_iplayer --PID b09w8jp0 --modes=tvhd,tvsd,tvhigh,tvlow --output /home/pi/mounts/jaws/D --fileprefix="<nameshort><.senum><.episodeshort>" --force #5

3 episodes of a programme above.
Unfortunately I had to abort as I'd forgot a couple of things. I did this twice.

So on the first time it skipped the first file was skipped. What was strange was that get_iplayer spat out the usage page.

I aborted to check what if I'd made a typo and the second file had started.

Of course the locked files on the destination were removed but to no avail. Now even after restarting my raspberry the above will only start the 3rd entry and again the usage page is given before that as though it doesn't understand one of the parmeters.

Any ideas what is going on? As above I have the --force setting so it's not history and I've definitely cleared all partial files that may be locked on the destination.

(using v3.25 on Raspian)


Ok forget that I found the problem - seems that a comment needs a space at the end I had:


on the first 2 lines

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