09-01-2020, 09:46 PM
First post, hope it's okay...
gip v3.24, Win 7, fibre to the cabinet (talktalk), 72Mbps connection (download rate).
Since just after Christmas, all radio has downloaded at 96kbps. Same with gip v3.23.
I d/l via cmd window, with;
get_iplayer -g [cached programme number] or [--pid=] --type=radio --command-radio="ffmpeg -loglevel error -i \""<filename>"\" -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 160k -id3v2_ version 3 - write _id3v1 1 -y \""<dir>/<fileprefix>.mp3"\"" --o=e:\bbcradio\
(to copy tagging info to the mp3) (this doesn't copy the Lyrics though; any hints please...?)
To test, I have tried get_iplayer -g --pid=b068td6z --force --o=e:\bbcradio\ , from which a file that downloaded 320kbps, 32.7Mb on 27.12.2019 now downloads 96kbps, 9.85Mb. I have also tried including -- radiomode best and dafhigh, no difference.
I did send a question to BBC Sounds asking whether bitrates had been reduced; the reply was that a number of random programmes had been checked and all were streaming at 320kbps. I did not however say that this was a problem for me when downloading using gip......
I have checked --prefs added ('options'), I only have nopurge 1, and refreshexcludegroups bbc radio 3, and the like.
Has anyone else had the same experience please?
Regards, thehod
gip v3.24, Win 7, fibre to the cabinet (talktalk), 72Mbps connection (download rate).
Since just after Christmas, all radio has downloaded at 96kbps. Same with gip v3.23.
I d/l via cmd window, with;
get_iplayer -g [cached programme number] or [--pid=] --type=radio --command-radio="ffmpeg -loglevel error -i \""<filename>"\" -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 160k -id3v2_ version 3 - write _id3v1 1 -y \""<dir>/<fileprefix>.mp3"\"" --o=e:\bbcradio\
(to copy tagging info to the mp3) (this doesn't copy the Lyrics though; any hints please...?)
To test, I have tried get_iplayer -g --pid=b068td6z --force --o=e:\bbcradio\ , from which a file that downloaded 320kbps, 32.7Mb on 27.12.2019 now downloads 96kbps, 9.85Mb. I have also tried including -- radiomode best and dafhigh, no difference.
I did send a question to BBC Sounds asking whether bitrates had been reduced; the reply was that a number of random programmes had been checked and all were streaming at 320kbps. I did not however say that this was a problem for me when downloading using gip......
I have checked --prefs added ('options'), I only have nopurge 1, and refreshexcludegroups bbc radio 3, and the like.
Has anyone else had the same experience please?
Regards, thehod