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get_iplayer forums

Forum archived. Posting disabled.

Feature Request: load from file or url



What a nice feature it can be
if user stretch its hands, take some valid bbc rtmp(t) DATA container file (or .rdf, or .xml, or valid DATA url)
and tell get_iplayer what to do, ah??


You can't locate any of those resources unless you already have a programme's PID. As long as you can download via PID with get_iplayer, there is no need for any of the above.


I'm trying to find which way get_iplayer receives media DATA to download. I'm looking for an entry point. Please inform. Let's do business until.

The 1st example.

Available for 16 days

First, look inside the playlist
It says: unset
<noItems reason="postAvailability"/>

Although this episode plays on iPlayer!

Occasional error or sheer intention? There are too many similar ones, too many.

Now open the source of it, in the Text Editor
and scroll to the bottom,
you will see some DATA ('pageMediators/episodeMediator':).

I think "vpid" (OR version_pid) is an essential,
it varies from time to time
depending on repeats, prolongations, et cetera.
Each of these times the new version_pid is generated.

See the example
(scroll to the bottom)
<po:version rdf:resource="/programmes/b00sfyz4#programme" />

<po:version rdf:resource="/programmes/b00x3ndh#programme" />
This time only the 2nd version_pid (version rdf:resource) is available.
See, there are 6 broadcasts were

So you should think and do something.

If this is not enough, let me know.


It seems that the only reason why get_iplayer can't download some episodes
is the entry point, that is $url = ''.$1;

These playlists are fakes by and large.
thus is the result
No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default

To verify my words
6 episodes are available on iPlayer
.. BUT 5 out of 6 playlists are fakes ;true
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected... ;false
WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default ;false
WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default ;false
WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default ;false
WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default ;false
WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default


Let me save you some time. I am well aware of all the above, and get_iplayer has already been fixed. Just wait for the next release (coming soon) or get the code yourself as instructed elsewhere in the forum.


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See this post for further info