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Updated information re: 320K TV downloads


The new format of suffix in playlist URLs with 320K audio is:


Previously, I believe it was:




A bit useless without an example, but it doesn't matter. That is not a new URL format. You've just happened on a TV programme with 320k audio still available.


This was Poldark, series 5, episode 1, broadcast on Sunday night.

PID: m0006wgz
Default version VPID: m0006wgy
Master playlist URL:
Variant URL with 320K audio:

The first post about this made it sound like 320K downloads had stopped working several weeks ago. Apologies for any misunderstanding and if this is not useful.


Your variant playlist doesn't produce a file with 320k audio. It doesn't produce a file with any audio at all. But that is no surprise since the variant doesn't exist in your master playlist. You can't just make them up.


FWIW, in many cases with the BBC you can indeed "just make them up". For example, BBC Sport streams do not advertise 320k audio, nor audio-only, variants in their master playlists, but nevertheless the variants are available if you edit the URLs. Doesn't help here and I was wrong on this one.

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