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How do I search for only episodes of "School"?



Trying to use the PVR features to download 'School'. However, if I apply a PVR search for this, it's also downloading 'School of Roars', 'Our School' etc.

Is there a way to require the PVR search to exactly match the program title?

Is there a list of directives that for pvr search files somewhere?




Ah, think I've found it. Didn't realise you could use regular expressions in a search.

Used "^School:" as the search criteria, seems to do the job.

Any better way?



I had the same problem. "^School:" does the job!


I believe you can do exact matching with an additional anchor $ at the end of the string.

So something like ^School$ would exactly match just that word 'School' only, nothing with a longer title or if school was just part of the title.


If you tried that option (as I did) you would see that it doesn't work, as the title is "School: Series 1". Best to check before offering advice. The $ closes off the search.


Quote:If you tried that option (as I did) you would see that it doesn't work, as the title is "School: Series 1". Best to check before offering advice. The $ closes off the search.

You don't say?

The fact is matches just 'School' is literally my point.

I'm not suggesting to use that particular search term to find any particular programme, I'm using it as an example to show how to use a two anchors to match an exact string.

My final sentence couldn't be clearer:

Quote:So something like ^School$ would exactly match just that word 'School' only, nothing with a longer title or if school was just part of the title.

It quite obviously states it won't match if 'school' is just part of a longer title. I should hope it doesn't take a giant leap of imagination to see how this could be useful? Perhaps by matching against the entire programme title you are after - thereby only returning exact matches for that exact title and not futzing around with sub-string matches?

Best to read what's being said properly before getting snarky.

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