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Replace ellipsis with space in sanitised file prefix


When wanting to download 'The Truth About ...' recently I noticed that the name is amended such that the ellipsis is changed to an underscore, or perhaps a space then an underscore.

Would it be possible to have a change in the code so that it's just a space?

If you wouldn't be happy with that, how about an option in the command line so that there was the possibility to change the ellipsis into a character, or characters of my own choosing?

I noticed in this thread - - that you said it would be possible to do this via a --command but I already run a command and by the time I get to run my command, the naming change has already been made by GiP. I suppose I could change my code to swap the space underscore to something of my own choosing but perhaps there are others, like me, that would like to change it something else.

Just a thought :-)


In the next release, ellipsis will be replaced by space, unless it is at the beginning of programme name or episode title, where underscore will still be used to preserve sort. This means that in most cases ellipsis will be removed since white space is compressed.


Excellent news.



implemented in v3.17

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