13-06-2018, 01:22 PM
I've installed get_iplayer on Linux (Sailfish OS v. When I perform a refresh, the following errors are generated. The errors happen several times, so I've trimmed the output to remove repeats.
The errors happen on only two out of the three phones I'm using to test. All the phones are running the same OS, but may not all have the same packages installed, so it's probably some underlying dependency issue. The errors don't seem to be preventing it refreshing the cache (I'm not sure, but it may not be picking up all the programmes), and downloads are working fine.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be, or which dependencies I might be missing?
I'm using a local::lib, so all the perl dependencies were installed like this:
The following is the versioning info for the dependencies:
$ /usr/share/harbour-getiplay/bin/get_iplayer --type=tv --refresh --force --nocopyright --nopurge --refresh-include-groups national --refresh-exclude-groups regional,local --atomicparsley /usr/share/harbour-getiplay/bin/AtomicParsley --ffmpeg /usr/share/harbour-getiplay/bin/ffmpeg --ffmpeg-loglevel info --log-progress --profile-dir /home/nemo/.config/harbour-getiplay/harbour-getiplay/.get_iplayer --no-proxy --listformat <pid>|<episode>|<duration>|<channel>|<available>|<web>|<name>|<desc>|<thumbnail> .*
INFO: Indexing tv programmes (concurrent)
Mojo::Reactor::Poll: I/O watcher failed: Can't call method "isa" on an undefined value at /usr/share/harbour-getiplay/lib/perl5/lib/perl5/Mojo/IOLoop/Stream/ line 25.
Mojo::Reactor::Poll: Timer failed: Timer not active at /usr/share/harbour-getiplay/lib/perl5/lib/perl5/Mojo/IOLoop/ line 93.
INFO: Added 4954 tv programmes to cache
The errors happen on only two out of the three phones I'm using to test. All the phones are running the same OS, but may not all have the same packages installed, so it's probably some underlying dependency issue. The errors don't seem to be preventing it refreshing the cache (I'm not sure, but it may not be picking up all the programmes), and downloads are working fine.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be, or which dependencies I might be missing?
I'm using a local::lib, so all the perl dependencies were installed like this:
cpanm --self-contained Mojolicious
The following is the versioning info for the dependencies:
- get_iplayer - 3.14
- Perl - 5.16.1
- JSON::PP - 2.97001
- LWP - 6.34
- LWP::Protocol::https - 6.07
- Mojolicious - 7.84
- XML::LibXML - 2.0132
- IO::Socket::SSL - 2.056