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Remove prominence of Homebrew as the way to install on MacOS


Given the the antipathy towards Homebrew, it would seem wise to demote the FAQ installation guide that explains how easy it is to install using Homebrew and replace that page with the manual install instructions.


Antipathy? What are you on about? We don't support the Homebrew packaging because we can't distribute a fix if it's broken, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful. More to the point, it has been less than a day since release. Jeez, give them a chance to fix the problem. And if you can't be bothered to report it to them, how are they going to know about it to begin with? Fortunately for you, someone from this parish has taken the initiative and posted the issue in their forums. In the unlikely event they don't fix it, then we'll change the site.


I'm just suggesting to change the focus of the recommended method of installation.

I can't determine when Homebrew is the root cause of a problem, especially if it's an issue that has been partially present over versions, so it's simpler to omit Homebrew from the equation.

WRT the closed thread, I've changed to a manual installation because the instructions were simple enough, just more steps than Homebrew. I had moved from manual to Homebrew a while ago when it seemed to be the preferred method.

And my name isn't Jeez.


(08-05-2018, 06:42 PM)I'm just suggesting to change the focus of the recommended method of installation.
It's called a "quick install guide" for a reason. Homebrew will be perceived as easier and faster than a manual installation for most macOS users. It doesn't matter if we support it, so long as Homebrew do.
(08-05-2018, 06:42 PM)I can't determine when Homebrew is the root cause of a problem, especially if it's an issue that has been partially present over versions, so it's simpler to omit Homebrew from the equation.
Although I wish people would educate themselves on these matters, it's not likely that anyone will know whether or not Homebrew is the root of their problem in cases like this. However, I expect them to believe me when I make the rather obvious point that only Homebrew themselves can fix problems with their packaging. They usually manage to do so when given more than a few hours, so it would be silly to throw out the quick install guide just because a bug has appeared.


Thank you for the new macOS installer. I've successfully used it to test a download.

I did script the manual install instructions, to a point (it paused for manual checking of FFmpeg and AtomicParsley), but the ~/perl5 location was untidy and each of my automator scripts needed an additional '. ~/.bash_profile'.

This new installer is just the thing, and more than I was suggesting. Thanks for doing this and making the Mac install so easy.


Thanks for the report. Yeah, I had to eat my own words a bit. As a Mac user myself, I decided it was overdue for my brothers and sisters in the Church of Cupertino to be on an equal footing with their Windows counterparts. I'm used to Homebrew, but I forget it can be overkill just to run a couple of scripts. And the manual installation option was never completely satisfactory because macOS system Perl is outdated.

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