this has got me stumped and I was wondering if somebody can point me to a solution.
I have been using COMMAND to copy downloaded files to a different directory.
However, I would now like to copy these files, as soon as they get downloaded, to a Humax HD Recorder, which is accessible through FTP.
In all the trials I did, I could not manage to pass the <filename> parameter to the FTP command in Windows.
How can I solve this?
What else could I do?
What could be a solution to copy a downloaded program to a FTP server?
The reason I want to do this is to have the recordings downloaded using GIP immediately available on the Humax, because its interface is more usable for a member of my family who is unfortunately unable to turn on the PC and use the PC to view the program.
There is a piece of software called Webdrive. I don't know if this will do what you want.
With this you assign a drive letter to an FTP folder. You can then download directly to that 'drive'. I don't know if this will work with data coming from something like iPlayer though.
There is a 10-day free trial so you can test it and it's not horrendously expensive if it solve your issue.
Without detail of the errors you're getting it's difficult to solve.
I suspect your problem's to do with escaping and quoting various characters. The escape character in the Windows command shell is the caret
^ and special characters that may need escaping or quoting are:
<space> & ( ) [ ] { } ^ = ; ! ' + , ` ~. For get_iplayer the escape character is the backslash
\ and for your ftp program you'll have to look at the documentation. Doubling-up embedded double-quotes may also be necessary.
Have you tried something like the following, which should get the command successfully through the Windows shell to get_iplayer?
get_iplayer --command "ftp put ""<filename>"" moreFtpArgs" --moreGipArgs
Hope this helps.
I'd like to thank you all for the comments and pointers to a solution.
The issue was that I wanted to copy what I download using GIP to a Humax HD recorder to allow a member of my family (who is familiar with operating the Humax but not a computer) to watch recordings.
With all the help here, I solved the problem using
WinSCP as an FTP client.
On my system, GIP outputs to J:\Videos\iPlayer Recordings on the PC, while I wanted the copies to go to "My Video/iPlayer" on the Humax main HD.
humaxftp and 0000 are the default username and password for the Humax FTP server.
I added to the options file in %USERPROFILE%\.get_iplayer\ the following line
command "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.com" /command "open ftp://humaxftp:[email protected]/ -passive=0" "lcd ""J:\Videos\iPlayer Recordings""" "cd ""/mnt/hd2/My Video/iPlayer""" "put ""<filename>""" "exit"
Note the single, double, triple quotes.
I suspect other FTP clients will also allow a similar syntax.
I could not figure out how to pass <filename> to Windows' own FTP client.
mastermonkey mentioned Webdrive as way to assign a letter to an FTP directory.
Following their lead, I also discovered but did not try:
FTP drive
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