25-12-2017, 10:23 AM
I'm running get_iplayer 3.07.0 from a Windows 7 command prompt.
The built-in documentation for the --thumbsize option lists 11 widths that may be used for the argument.
However, get_iplayer also recognizes width arguments of 86, 150, 178, 528, 1024 and 1600 representing image sizes of 86×48, 150×84, 178×100, 528×297, 1024×576 and 1600×900.
Is there a reason these six widths are undocumented or is it just that the documentation requires updating?
The built-in documentation for the --thumbsize option lists 11 widths that may be used for the argument.
C:\>get_iplayer --long-help | find "thumbsize"
get_iplayer Output:
--thumbsize <width> Thumbnail size to use for the current recording and metadata. Specify width: 192,256,384,448,512,640,704,832,960,1280,1920. Default: 192
However, get_iplayer also recognizes width arguments of 86, 150, 178, 528, 1024 and 1600 representing image sizes of 86×48, 150×84, 178×100, 528×297, 1024×576 and 1600×900.
C:\>@echo off & (for %A in (86 150 178 528 1024 1600) do (get_iplayer --thumbsize %A --file-prefix "<name>_%A" --thumbnail-only --pid b01q0k5b > nul)) & dir /b/od/tc "path\to\outputtv\*.*" & echo on
get_iplayer Output:
Wallace and Gromit A Close Shave_86.jpg
Wallace and Gromit A Close Shave_150.jpg
Wallace and Gromit A Close Shave_178.jpg
Wallace and Gromit A Close Shave_528.jpg
Wallace and Gromit A Close Shave_1024.jpg
Wallace and Gromit A Close Shave_1600.jpg
Is there a reason these six widths are undocumented or is it just that the documentation requires updating?