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get_iplayer forums

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How do I print the output filename after download?


Prior to version 3.04 after downloading the filename created would be displayed in the command output like this;

INFO: Tagged file: D:\Temp\64_Zoo_Lane_Series_3_-_1._The_Story_of_Nelsons_Nephew_Nigel_b00qttxk_original.mp4

I can't see a way to get this information anymore, is there an option for it?


Use the echo system command in a get_iplayer custom user command (--command).


Thanks, so reading the documentation do I simply add the following?

--command echo <filename>

EDIT: Nope that's not it as I get an error about syntax. I could do with an example of how this works if you have the time. My full command looks like this;

get_iplayer --get 28 --log-progress --tvmode best --fps50 --nopurge --force --overwrite --output D:\Temp --fileprefix="<nameshort><.senum><.episodeshort>" --whitespace --command "echo <filename>"

EDIT2: Ah got it now, needed to put ""s round the command itself.

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