23-10-2017, 12:47 PM
When my windows workstation locks it disables the Ethernet and Wi-Fi adapters, when unlocked it enables them again. I am allowed to stop this happening if say a network backup is happening.
Is there a built in method I can interrogate to determine if get_iplayer is running?
What I've currently tried is below. I write running / not running to a file in GIPs home directory.
This is fine for a single instance of GIP, but multiple instances may cause problems.
Is there a better way?
Is there a built in method I can interrogate to determine if get_iplayer is running?
What I've currently tried is below. I write running / not running to a file in GIPs home directory.
This is fine for a single instance of GIP, but multiple instances may cause problems.
Is there a better way?
get_iplayer Output:
@echo off
echo gip_running > %userprofile%\.get_iplayer\gip
set GIP_INST=%~dp0
if #%GIP_INST:~-1%# == #\# set GIP_INST=%GIP_INST:~0,-1%
if "%GIP_PATH%" == "" set GIP_PATH=%GIP_INST%\perl;%GIP_INST%\utils;%PATH%
if not "%GIP_PATH%" == "" set PATH=%GIP_PATH%
perl.exe "%GIP_INST%\" %*
echo gip_not_running > %userprofile%\.get_iplayer\gip