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Web PVR: Cannot perform search by clicking "Search" navigation tab


I did a search for all programmes on Radio 4 Extra.  The search returned every programme on BBC TV, a total of 125 pages.  Now, whatever I search for, I just get the 125 pages of BBC TV programmes.   I tried to clear things by using refresh cache but that didn't help.  Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Thanks


I added ^BBC Radio 4 Extra$ to "channels containing" in web pvr manager and it found 580 programs


Thanks for your reply. I tried your idea but I still got 2788 programmes from BBC TV. Although I check BBC Radio and uncheck BBC TV, when the search returns the BBC Radio box is unchecked and the BBC TV is checked! If I put a search item into the 'Search' box then when the search returns the item is cleared and replaced with an asterisk. All very strange.


It sounds like you are clicking the "Search" navigation tab at the top of the page rather than the "Search" action button below the search criteria panel. Use the latter. The former reinitialises the search page as you described.


Brilliant! Thanks so much, Dinky, it's now working correctly. What a relief!

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