Lately, the artwork Get iPlayer is embedding seems to be a generic series artwork, not the episode-specific artwork. So all programmes in a series have the same artwork. Previously, the embedded artwork was specific to the episode (as shown on iPlayer's page for an episode). I can't find a setting to control this. Is it something I need to set, or is this a result of recent metadata feed changes?
That is how it should work. It was changed in 2.95. Feel free to implement an option to go back to old behaviour, and send a pull request. Or just add your own cover art.
Ah, ok, thanks for the clarification, I'd missed that. I was previously using Get iPlayer Automator, and presumably they were using <2.95 version of Get iPlayer. Unfortunately I don't have the programming skills to add an episode artwork option, so I'll live with the new behaviour. It's not a big deal, and I appreciate the great work you do!