just wondering if there are any plans to implement support for HEVC video encoding formats in get_iplayer any time soon?
I'm manually converting stuff myself after it's been ripped, but it would be handy to save a couple of steps if i could specify it in get_iplayer. :)
No. get_iplayer does not do any encoding.
If it's any help vibe666 & if I've got it correct.
As Dinky has said many times in other posts that GiP is a downloader but it does use external programmes to complete the programmes that are downloaded by GiP. The external programmes which are mentioned on WiKi being AtomicParsley, FFMPEG & Perl. As GiP is coded in Perl, it needs this to run GiP. AtomicParsley is used for metadata tagging & FFMPEG is used for muxing/encoding. So your initial query should be directed to FFMPEG & if you were to do a search on the Net you'll come across the FFMPEG site & maybe you'll have an option there to put your query to.