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get_iplayer forums

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XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix


Getting this error, previously all working

XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
error : xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed at /usr/local/bin/get_iplayer line 7430.

Option set

output /Users/user/Documents/TV/
tvmode best
type tv,radio
radiomode better

Seem to be related to subtitle

/usr/local/bin/get_iplayer --subtitles --pvr  
get_iplayer 3.00-homebrew.0, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
 conditions; use --conditions for details.

 NOTE: A UK TV licence is required to legally access BBC iPlayer TV content

Running PVR Searches:
1577: Doctor Who: Series 10 - Knock Knock, BBC One, b08qd9ww

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Checking existence of editorial version
INFO: hlshd1,hvfxsd1,hvfxsd2,hvfxsd3,hvfxsd4,hvfxsd5,hvfxsd6,dvfxsd1,dvfxsd2,hlsvhigh1,hvfxhigh1,hvfxhigh2,hvfxhigh3,dvfxhigh1,dvfxhigh2,hvflow1,hvflow2,hvflow3,dvflow1,dvflow2 modes will be tried for version editorial
INFO: Trying hlshd1 mode to record tv: Doctor Who: Series 10 - 4. Knock Knock
INFO: File name prefix = Doctor Who Series 10 - 4. Knock Knock b08qd9ww editorial                

INFO: Downloading subtitles to: /Users/user/Documents/TV/Doctor Who Series 10/Doctor Who Series 10 - 4. Knock Knock b08qd9ww
XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
error : xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed at /usr/local/bin/get_iplayer line 7430.

Seems to be specific to last nights Dr Who for some reason - doing a --subtitle-only collects the subtitles for other shows but not this one?

1575:    Doctor Who: Series 10 - Smile, BBC Two, b08nz0vk
INFO: Downloading subtitles to: /Users/user/Documents/TV/Doctor Who Series 10/Doctor Who Series 10 - 2. Smile b08nz0vk
1576:    Doctor Who: Series 10 - Thin Ice, BBC Two, b08pmk0q
INFO: Downloading subtitles to: /Users/user/Documents/TV/Doctor Who Series 10/Doctor Who Series 10 - 3. Thin Ice b08pmk0q
1577:    Doctor Who: Series 10 - Knock Knock, BBC One, b08qd9ww
INFO: Downloading subtitles to: /Users/user/Documents/TV/Doctor Who Series 10/Doctor Who Series 10 - 4. Knock Knock b08qd9ww
XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
error : xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed at /usr/local/bin/get_iplayer line 7430.

Using the latest release on mac homebrew

/usr/local/bin/get_iplayer --subtitles --pvr  
get_iplayer 3.00-homebrew.0, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.


get_iplayer version and you have read the release notes in the wiki?


(07-05-2017, 09:20 AM)get_iplayer version and you have read the release notes in the wiki?

3.0 and yes I have been reading

Overall this get_iplayer is fantastic as a previous user of GiA I didn't realise how get_iplayer could actually do everything I needed and solve many of the limitations of GiA its just understanding how it works and making it do what you want.

The issue I am seeing seems to be with subtitles and collecting subtitles and the show at the same time, I'm currently experimenting with running the subtitle collection as a second run through to see if it is some issue with it collecting subtitles before the video it belongs to.

Anyway thanks for the feedback just thought you should see the error.

all the best


So you dont have the latest version and you havent read the release notes in the wiki?


(07-05-2017, 09:52 AM)So you dont have the latest version and you havent read the release notes in the wiki?

Wouldn't it have been more productive to say "I think this might be solved in 3.0.1 which was released yesterday" or "3.0.1 was released yesterday have you updated?"

It was (the problem) and it is now working (thanks for your help).



Not really. You would have been spoon fed some information that was already provided in another area. Now you know where to look to help yourself.

This is a project run by volunteers, you are expected to attempt to help yourself.

Had you searched the forums with the error you'd have found other posts with the answer.

Had you read the forum rules you have found only the latest version is supported. The latest version is named on the front page of the forum, or cross checkable in the download area.

Had you also read the forum rules you'd have found the 'How to request support' thread and had you then read that you'd have seen we expect you to read the release notes and what information you need to include in any support request.

These forums are archived

See this post for further info