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Need help with pvr Scheduler batch file.


i did have pvr Scheduler working for a few years, on Windows 8, following these intructions

but the batch file isn't there anymore to download, the link is broken

ive tried creating my own batch file but whatever combination i do, from within Task Scheduler i cant get it to run anymore.

if i double click the file within C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer it starts the PVR fine BOTH a batch file and a Windows Command Script file.

with this inside...
@echo off

set GIP_INST=%~dp0
if #%GIP_INST:~-1%# == #\# set GIP_INST=%GIP_INST:~0,-1%
"%GIP_INST%\get_iplayer.cmd" --pvrschedule 14400 %*

its saved as "get_iplayer--pvr"but wont run in Task Scheduler.

Do you have the batch file for windows i can download from somewhere please? so i can automate the PVR again please.


Re-read the beebotron page. It tells you what to put in your batch file, and that is not it. You've just copied a batch file already provided with get_iplayer. That file cannot be used with Task Scheduler.


i also copied verbatum from the website such...

cd "C:\Program Files\get_iplayer"

perl.exe --pvr

but still no dice, then i thought because get_iplayer is here C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer

i modified the above to cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer"

perl.exe --pvr

but whatever i do, its not running in task scheduler, like it should, i've been 3 days now without the pvr starting at 1am like it did before.

oh and i named the batch file above get_iplayer--pvr.bat but something is messed up, thats why ive been trying different combinations for the last 4 hours, and turning back to the website instructions again and again


Did you correct the path in the Task Scheduler as well?

And if you don't clean up your next post, this thread will be closed.


Yes the path in the Task Scheduler has been corrected for the new batch file, as per the instructions of the above website.


Now that I look at it again, that old batch file will never work. The Windows version of get_iplayer is installed a bit differently these days. You can just use the main get_iplayer wrapper script I provide. In the Action part of task definition select "Start a program", then use "C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer\get_iplayer.cmd" for "Program/script" and --pvr for "Add arguments"

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