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How do I set a default file name prefix?


Hello everyone, 
I have a fresh install of Gip 3.0 on my Mac and been using the Web PVR Manager (WPM) with the below code. 
Browser version: Safari Version 10.1 (11603.


I understand by default downloaded file name follows the following format: 
"<name> - <episode> <pid> <version>"

What I'm trying to do is to leave out "<pid> <version>" as part of the file name. 

I must be wrong trying to run the following command in the Terminal command line.
--file-prefix="<name> - <episode>"

Please kindly advise how can I achieve this? Much appreciated!


 --file-prefix="<name> - <episode>" is not a full command. Read usage page in wiki re: saving settings.


(01-05-2017, 10:24 PM) --file-prefix="<name> - <episode>" is not a full command. Read usage page in wiki re: saving settings.

Boss, many thanks user-2 for pointing in the right direction!

I've read it through and tried to figure out how to put it together, so far been unlucky...

What I've put together looks like this, 
get_iplayer --file-prefix="<name> - <episode>”

As expected, it doesn't work. 
Could you pls give an example of a full executable command line syntax that can change the default Gip file output naming settings? Hopefully I can take it from there and figure it out. 
Boy, it takes a lot to figure out a correct syntax and I appreciate every bit of it!


Nearly there James.

get_iplayer --prefs-add --file-prefix="<name> - <episode>"

That will store it as a default and you don't need to type it in your command after that.


This information is covered in detail in the Guide:


(02-05-2017, 01:09 AM)Nearly there James.

get_iplayer --prefs-add --file-prefix="<name> - <episode>"

That will store it as a default and you don't need to type it in your command after that.

That works!!!
Thanks guys for helping out. I'll have a closer read of the documentation. It's a so brilliant and got great potential. You guys made my day. Much appreciated!!

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