Firstly, congratulations on your great application. I love it.
I have a couple of enhancement requests :-
1) I think it would be nice to have the option of storing 30 days in the cache. This is because you only need to take a 2 week holiday abroad (as most people do) and you will lose at least one weeks cache.
2) Would you please consider an Android version of your great app.
1) I believe only 7 days past data is available from iPlayer itself, so get_iplayer can't store 30 days magically, it has to refresh from the BBC each week in order to build up a 30 day cache. So it's already storing a 30 day cache, there's just a limitation placed on how it gets this 30 days (i.e. in 7 days chunks) because of the way the info is provided by the BBC.
2) That would be a MASSIVE amount of work and for what gain? What significant advantages do you see get_iplayer on Android having over the official iPlayer app?
I see the advantages on desktop are clear (BBC doesn't make an app available on Linux for example) but I don't see really any clear advantages on Android or iOS for that matter.
There won't ever be an app version of get_iplayer, Android or otherwise. Besides being a colossal duplication of effort and an inferior user experience, such an app would never ever be accepted for distribution.
Thank you for your replies.
The two requests were linked. In case the 30 day cache wasn't possible, an Android version would have been a good workaround for me as I take an Android phone and tablet with me on holidays.
Still, if it can't be done then thanks.
I suppose an alternative suggestion could be if some of the more enthusiastic users made their 30-day caches available for download at intervals. I'd be happy to participate in this if it ever got off the ground.
It is possible to index 30 days of programmes at once. It can be error-prone, so I leave it as an exercise for the diligent reader of documentation. Besides, you don't need to have a programme in your cache to download it.
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