18-04-2017, 10:18 AM
I have just noticed that programs now download from radio and TV even though I have type set to TV in the pvr scheduler
now if dr who appears on radio it downloads that as well.
another instance is the classic albums series which I want from the TV but not from the radio.
this did not happen before version 2.99
Is there a way to stop this from happening now
Channel BBC One,BBC Two,BBC Three,BBC Four,
fields name, episode
modes good,
output F:\Media\Television\
subtitles 0
thumb 0
type tv
versionlist default
search0 Doctor Who
fileprefix <nameshort><.episodeshort><.senum><.pid><.channel>
now if dr who appears on radio it downloads that as well.
another instance is the classic albums series which I want from the TV but not from the radio.
this did not happen before version 2.99
Is there a way to stop this from happening now