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How to override --command-radio in individual PVR jobs?


can the bitrates conversions be overridden in individual PVR's or does it have to be done manually at the command line on an individual basis.
I generally download radio at 128k but occasionally want to keep specific progs at 320k which I set to download at a higher bitrate, but obviously it will downgrade when converting to MP3 
I do all my downloading from the PVR scheduler so dont use the CLI that often

I have added
commandradio ffmpeg -i "<filename>" -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k -id3v2_version 3 -write_id3v1 1 -y "<dir>/<fileprefix>.mp3" && del "<filename>"
to my options file

I hope that makes sense?


Create a preset with the --command-radio value you want for 320k and use it in the desired pvr jobs to override the default --command-radio value.


(20-03-2017, 06:06 PM)Create a preset with the --command-radio value you want for 320k and use it in the desired pvr jobs to override the default --command-radio value.

does that mean you can add it to an individual pvr file and if so how exactly?

I'm not exactly sure how it would work with the scheduler


Just put a line in the pvr file:



Do yourself a favour and stick to using the command line for saving settings. There are numerous posts here from people who have shot themselves in the foot trying to type things directly into the options file or pvr files. And you'll still be better off using a preset. If you want to change your conversion parameters, you'll only need to do it once instead of in every pvr file.

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