Hello. I'm looking for some sort of notification of PVR downloads, like a Growl pop-up box. Is there any way to set this up? Any ideas gratefully received.
Try using growlnotify with get_iplayer
Thanks. I've run into a little problem with GrowlNotify, but only when I use --command. Here's my problem - I want to use the following
--command "growlnotify /t:Get_iPlayer /i:.\iplayer_logo.ico /s:true "\"<nameshort> has been downloaded\""
but growl will not pass anything after the <namesort> field. I've tried taking out the <namesort> filed to see if growl will pass 'has been downloaded', the reult is it will only pass 'has' ie. anything after the first space is discarded.
I've tried this using growlnotify as a standalone command, and it will pass 'has been downloaded' without a problem. This is why I think I have my quotes messed up within the --command argument.
I hope this is clear. Help gratefully received.
Reverse the quote and escaped quote before
and add a regular quote immediately after it. Escaped quotes should be inside regular quotes, tokens like
All is well now. Thanks user-2.