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Trying to increase volume


Since my surround sound amp bit the dust I've been struggling to get progs to play lour wnough on my MCE extender (old ears!). So I'd like to be able to increase the gain when downloading through get_iplayer.

I can use the following once the programme has downloaded -

ffmpeg -i inputfile -vcodec copy -af "volume=10dB" outputfile

and I'd like to include this parameter when downloading. I considered --command, but could not figure out what the input and output filenames would be. Then I discovered --ffmpeg-tv-opts, and so I tried

--ffmpeg-tv-opts 'af "volume=10dB"'

This didn't work, returned this -

[NULL @ 02ecf020] Unable to find a suitable output format for ''-af' '-af: Invalid argument

Any advice on how to get this to work or other ways to increase the volume would be gratefully received.


There are two things here:
  1. The --ffmpeg-tv-opts option is applied to the re-muxing of the downloaded file from FLV to MP4. You need to transcode the file to have your filter applied, so you need to override the -acodec copy that is already baked into get_iplayer.  Use --ffmpeg-tv-opts="-acodec aac -strict -2 -af volume=10dB" or --ffmpeg-tv-opts="-acodec libvo_aacenc -af volume=10dB".  See which audio encoder works best for you.
  2. Single quotes don't work the same on Windows.  You would use --ffmpeg-tv-opts="-acodec libvo_aacenc -af volume=10dB" or --ffmpeg-tv-opts="-acodec libvo_aacenc -af \"volume=10dB\"" if you need to embed double quotes.
If you use --command, the quoting is a bit different on Windows.  Look carefully at this example to see how to put double quotes around substitution parameters that contain file/directory paths:
--command ".\FFmpeg\ffmpeg-1.2-win32-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i \""<filename>"\" -vcodec copy -af \"volume=10dB\" -y \""<dir>/<fileprefix>-louder.mp4"\""
For parameters to use with --command see:


Thanks. Chose to use --ffmpeg-tv-opts rather than --command - looked simpler. Tested the two audio encoders and could not find a difference between them (old ears again), so chose the strict setting and put that in my options file. Followed your advice on double quotes within double quotes and all went well (I didn't try it without).

I can now hear the TV. Thanks again.

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