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Web PVR Manager - Tree view possible?


Firstly, many thanks for the hard work that I know goes in to get_iplayer. I've tweaked and worked with it over the years and it still amazes me how useful it is. Again, thank you to the author(s) and maintainers.

I use get_iplayer mostly via Web PVR Manager because I like to scan my eyes down the visual lists in either TV or Radio mode to see what's new or what I've missed. I "Hide Recorded" programs from the cached listings and I use the exclusion fields for Programme and Channel filtering to cut out what I don't need to know about (I think Categories filtering is now redundant/deprecated?) and before the implementation of the 30-day guide (and downloading) I could in general keep a simple one-page view of 400 or less cached programmes in either TV or Radio view.

I like the new 30-day ability very much, however, since the guide/cache increase to 30 days, long steams of similar programme icons and names appear in hard to follow long paginated lists, in some cases certain programmes building more than one entry a day (e.g. News or Weather), all of which is a boring chore to scroll through and process mentally.

Obviously I have now filtered most of the programmes I don't want to see in the lists but there are always more or new programmes appearing for ones I want to possibly know about whenever caches are updated, and still there are many repeat icons/entries for all the same programmes, one for each episode for every series currently available.

So, I thought it would be great if there was a tree-view possibility in Web PVR Manager, and I was hopeful when I found such an option in the get_iplayer documentation --tree or tree 1. I tried tree 1 in my options file but nothing happened and the DOS window says it's deprecated (but it's not in the deprecated section of the documentation?), so I'm wondering if what I wanted to do is possible or ever could be - i.e. to have Programme name at the top of the tree, and have each series/episode on collapsible branches below?

Probably not? Just thought I'd check and ask.

Many thanks for everything.


The feature you suggest is probably possible to implement in some way, but it's a no from me. Anyone who wants to add features to the Web PVR would need to take over as its maintainer, so keep that in mind if you decide to have a go yourself. The only reason I haven't killed the Web PVR is because get_iplayer would have virtually no Windows users without it. 

More generally, I suggest you don't try to use the Web PVR as a listings browser or as some sort of curation tool for iPlayer programmes. You will only be disappointed, for the reasons you've cited. It worked poorly in that regard when there were only 7 days of listings, much less 30. You should take its name literally and think of it as only a search tool to find specific programmes to put into pvr jobs.  It was an unfortunate choice by the developer to dump programme listings on startup because it projects an illusion that listings can browsed in some useful way. get_iplayer works in a similar fashion. It's useless behaviour, and some day I will get around to changing it.


Thanks for the reply,

I recall you saying similar things a few years ago when I asked about certain abilities of Web PVR Manager. I was hoping the future of it may have seen a more hopeful outlook as it's the only way I'd want to use get_iplayer no matter what platform I use. I can use/understand get_iplayer via the command line (just about!) but really don't like doing so - the visual web view is by far my favourite way.

You said:

Quote:The only reason I haven't killed the Web PVR is because get_iplayer would have virtually no Windows users without it.

I guess I might say, without Web PVR Manager I wouldn't get around to using get_iplayer at all, or anything in its place - please don't ever kill it - I find it great and not disappointing in what it CAN do.

I can live without a condensed tree view. I'm not a full-on html/css developer so couldn't really get to grips with what it needs but I'll have a look nonetheless.

Many thanks.

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