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get_iplayer forums

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Whitespace by default


Is it possible to set the whitespace flag to happen by default?

If I set --whitespace at the command line, it works perfectly and as expected. However if I put "whitespace" (sans quotes) into my options file then it seems to be ignored and I get underscores again.

Can it be done, or do I need to use the --whitespace in the command line every time?


Are you saying that executing get_iplayer --prefs-add --whitespace does not add the preference to your options file?

Or are you trying to add it to the options file manually and possibly getting the syntax wrong?


I was trying it manually, as I forgot the --prefs-add command existed. It's a syntax issue.

Anyway using that made it work - for the record I was adding just "whitespace" and what it needed was "whitespace 1" to work (presumably the 1 equating to true and setting the function on).

All is working as desired now anyway.

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