I am getting very frustrated - my laptop is Windows 8 64 bit and despite downloading and installing the newest version of get_iplayer, I am unable to open the programme without being prompted to every single time to install again!!!! I have done this and repeated this process over 50 million times now and keep going round in circles!!! I have also uninstalled many times and reinstalled but with the same result.... what am I doing wrong? Has anyone else experienced the same problem, is it my system... I have also tried compatibility with earlier versions of Windows but to no avail.
I would be grateful of any help or advise please.
Many thanks,
Post a screen shot of "being prompted to every single time to install again". Your description is too vague to even hazard a guess at what might be happening.
How do I take/get a screen shot please?
Before you do that, tell me this:
1) You downloaded the .exe installer file
2) You double clicked on this .exe file and were prompted to install get_iplayer
3) You then went to the Start menu/screen and launched get_iplayer from the icon there
4) You did NOT double click the .exe installer file again when you attempted to launch get_iplayer
If that is your sequence of events but you are asked to install still, post a screenshot, google will tell you how to do so for you system.
If you deviated from those steps above, explain what you did and take a screenshot of those results.
Many thanks for last post... I think I had been double clicking when launching app!!! DOH!!!!!
Followed your instructions and happy to say I'm up and running with first programme now downloading.
Once again thanks for help.
No problem, glad you are up and running.
Ahhh! That's where the little blighter has been hiding. Since July I've been going into the program files folder and only using the PVR which was a little incovenient. Never thought of the Start Menu. What a clutz I am. How I've missed typing get_iplayer at the start of recordings.
Thanks SquarePenguin,