They say life is a "work in progress" which describes my use of batch files with Windows and GiP.
I split the download activity between two files, a batch file (loaded by freeware "System Scheduler") which executes the fetching of programmes listed in a text file.
The download text files are stored on Dropbox (in the folder "D:\Dropbox\Get_iPlayer\0-TVdl\") so they can be read across different PCs if necessary. For example, I spend part of the year in the Philippines - when I am there I can scan the BBC schedules, decide which programmes I wish to download and enter them into the text file. Once saved, my UK PC picks up those files to do the downloading! ;-) In my case, that text file is a combination of URLs/PIDs together with the programme name in quotes, one URL/PID/programme name per line: e.g.
"have I got"
"david attenborough"
"michael palin's new europe"
"blitz cities"
"new zealand"
"calculating ada"
I use URLs/PIDs to make sure I'm downloading the correct version in a series. Out of laziness I often don't bother to strip out the "" bit in front of the PID. I put both PIDs and programme names in to give me a cross check on what I'm downloading.
I don't usually use "best" as the download option preferring to force the HD option so here is a typical batch file:
set $textFile="D:\Dropbox\Get_iPlayer\0-TVdl\tv.txt"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type %$textFile%') do get_iplayer --modes=hlshd --force --pid %%a
You can replace --modes=hlshd with your mode of choice, eg --tvmode=flashbest or --tvmode=flashhd, etc.
I force the programme download (--force) for a specific reason - the programme may have previously been broadcast in the past and I downloaded an inferior version, e.g. standard rather than high definition. This gives me an opportunity to acquire a better version!
Since the documented problems with the HLS feeds, I pipe the output to a text file so the batch file would now look like this:
set $textFile="D:\Dropbox\Get_iPlayer\0-TVdl\tv.txt"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type %$textFile%') do get_iplayer --modes=hlshd --force --pid %%a >>F:\iPlayer\TV\log.txt
The output including details of any errors is piped into the file log.txt located in "F:\iPlayer\TV\". I can then decide which programmes need to be re-downloaded. Incidentally, I prefer to open that text file using freeware "Notepad++" as this enables easier reading than Microsoft's "Notepad".
If you're purely downloading based on searches of the programme name, you need to amend the above files - in this case you would just remove the URLs/PIDs in the text file and replace the reference to "--pid" with "--get" in the batch file.
I have a similar set-up for radio programmes I wish to download.
I find this a far more flexible route than the PVR, especially when you're adding or removing programmes. Also it removes the necessity of typing over and over the get_iplayer command with the appropriate strings needed using the CLI. Surely that's why batch files were invented, to remove tedious repetitive actions! I usually scan the schedules daily and enter up the text file for the programmes I wish to download on that day - if I'm away from home for a few days I can enter up the schedule in advance.
The above template can be modified to suit individual requirements, I have around a dozen batch files that have evolved over the last couple of years.
Hope this helps.
PS My main system is on Windows 7 but I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work on Windows 10.